Orders of President Duterte that every Filipino should know

The following are orders of President Duterte that every Filipino should know with my reaction.
1. No Drinking on public places
“No drinking in public places like alleys. Make it your house. If you don’t have house, don’t drink. Do not occupy streets. I will order police to arrest all. Drinking must stop in plazas.

I always encounter this kind of scenario and I can say that I'm happy that this would be implemented. Mostly this kind of scenario creates conflict.

2. No collection for students
“No collections or any kind. Kung walang pang party, edi walang party”

Indeed my educational institutions are private and I didn't worry that much when it comes to paying my school fees. But not everyone enrolled in a private school is like that, some are scholars which did struggle providing their financial needs. This shouldn't be limited to public but also in private schools.

3. Curfew for minors
“All minors should be at home before 10 pm. Minors are not allowed to be arrested but instead I will order to arrest the parents. Brgy. Tanod should find the house of the minors. If you are not working, I will terminate you.”

I also find this a very great way to impose discipline. If you can't discipline your children that might be because you yourself lack some discipline.

4. Speed Limit
“EDSA must have 60 kph. Pag hindi nakita ng police, habulin ko ang police.”

Public buses is the most notorious vehicle for over-speeding at EDSA and also notorious accident suspect.

5. War against Drugs
“The war against drugs must start from the brgy. level. Only those whole completed ROTC and with neuro, na pwedeng tanod, I will issue them guns under the supervision of their brgy. captains. Those who would kill the lives of my children, must be killed. Those who kill my country, must be killed” “Pagsinabi ko gawin ko”

This is a great way to start war against drugs. Because if there is no demand for something that would only mean of no supply.

6. Government employees behavior
“Yung mga nasa posisyon, wag kayong umasta na parang sino. Be courteous to everybody, kahit wala kang ngipin, save money palagay ka ng pustiso, magpalagay ka and SMILE”

One time I accompany my Mom at the BIR in Makati and I'm really annoyed how they handle people. They won't elaborate the procedure, so instead people will keep coming back again and again which will lead to bribery just to finish a procedure that can only take a day or so if properly explained.

7. Corrupt officials
”Resign or Retire. I hate to hear the public to ask you to retire. Yung may mga kaso, you retire otherwise, I will send you to the territory of Abu Sayyaf to combat them. If you will be captured, I will let you there.”

According to New York Times 2015 survey, Philippines is one of the most corrupt country in ASIA. We all know eradication of corruption will take a very long time so let's help our country by refraining to cooperate with bribery and report any corruption.

8. Document Processing
”My proposal is, all government institutions, clearances, business permit must release in 72 hours. If it is released more than 72 hrs, I will ask why. It must be applied in all department in the entire country. We have our computers. If you don’t want to work, sabihin nyo dahil maraming naghahanap ng trabaho”

This is what I'm talking about, most employees are waiting for a bribe just to speed up the process.

9. Heavy firearms and NPA rebels
“I will not allow licensing of heavy firearms. Those who have license already, ok lang yan but must have permits. Ayokong magbili ng almost full armory because corruption follows. Several times it happened before in our country.”
“The NPA rebels have to realize that I’m in the government and while I am from the left I am their enemy as well but I am extending my hands to talk for peace.”

Possession of heavy firearms could lead to a mass shootout and more homicides.

10. Videoke Limit
“Videoke must stop by 10pm. Let the children of your neighbors sleep.

Filipinos love using videoke but we must learn to respect others.

11. Death Penalty
“It depends of the level of the crime. This is death penalty by hanging. Heinous crime, kidnapping with ransom, rape, robbery with rape and homicide– double hanging. After bitayin… bitayin ulit”

I think death penalty is a great way to show people that if you do this it will really cause you your life. But this should be done to people that are really caught red-handed or who have done it more than once.

This orders makes sense and I don't know why some Filipinos won't agree. This is the change we've all been waiting for and I hope that every Filipino would cooperate for the betterment of our country.


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